Intro: Verse 1: We have seen and heard the wonders of Your hands How You loved us first, carried us to the promised land Prechorus: Who is like You God? None that we know Chorus: We are overwhelmed, We are overwhelmed by You Lord You came to our rescue, Now we live to worship You (x2) Turnaround: Verse 2: You have seen and heard our desperate cry for mercy You became a curse so we could live in vict'ryВзгляни сюда здесь в яслях Божий Сын Gdy droga zbyt trudną wydaje ci się Куртаръджъм, Бош Елле Ми wfy ậkẖr ạlsạʿạt qlb nḍyf Сенинг Қонинг Мени Янгилайди Высока любовь и дивна وسط بحر ذنوبي ạ̉ b yạllạ nqwlhạ lḥd ạl y O, Boże! usłysz głos prośby naszej
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