When I feel the cold of winter And this cloak of sadness I need You All the evil things that shake me All the words that break me I need You Chorus: Over the mountains Over the sea Here You come running My Lover to me Verse: Do not hide me from Your presence Pull me from these shadows I need You Beauty wrap Your arms around me Sing Your song of kindness I need You Bridge: Oh through the valleys Through the dark of night Here You come running To hold me until it's light Refrain: I'll come running I'll come running I'll come running Back to YouSöýgiňi aýdymda aýdaryn За евангельскую веру swf ạ̉nsy̱ ạlạ̉ms Ирээч Ариун Сүнсээ Reménységem O vino iarasi ca pe vremuri Mă chemi să umblu peste ape Haleluýa, Isa direldi! ạlmzmwr 150 lḥn ạllylwyạ Non riesco
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