You deserve the glory and the honour Lord, we lift our hands in worship As we lift Your holy name You deserve the glory and the honour Lord, we lift our hands in worship As we bless Your holy name For You are great You do miracles so great There is no one else like you There is no one else like You For You are great You do miracles so great There is no one else like you There is no one else like YouИса Дюнянън Ъшъъ kwkw kyk Já i můj dům 你当诚心祷告主 Иса бизи чок севди Rab Sen Layıksın Dieu, c'est dans ta Sion sainte Асманда бир шаар бар жарыгы өчпөгөн Dansez, dansez Солнце к закату склонилось
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