For this is my desire That you know him as I do As the savior of our souls He died for me and you I'm rejected for my faith For my walk in Jesus bath In his word God promised, though To be with me unto death For unto us is given free Granted in Jesus name Not only to believe in him But to suffer for his sake But I decided not to fear He promised to protect me here If he allows I should die Then I will be with him there So my mission is to share His message with the world That only through redemption alone Will you see him on the thronejzʾ 13 Canta Aleluya Магтаалаар төлж O Allah, Bapa Kami Tam, kde hudby hlas stráca svoj jas Aleluja I. Севгиси сонсуздур Как драгоценна милость Твоя Боже ʿạyzẗ ạ̹yh Kartal Gibi
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